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The best part about marketing - which people often forget - is that even in a digital-first world, on the other side of every campaign is a person. My unique interpersonal skill-set combined with my near decade of experience gives me a strong jumping off point to combine the complex digital marketing tools and analytics of today with the storytelling and creativity that are important for success. While MarTech is a must, and data a definite, they're only useful if you know how to use them. For me, the fun lies in taking that information and figuring out what it really means, and adjusting campaigns and strategies around the people on the other end. After all, the prospects become the client, and the client relationship is the most important of all. 


From Inbound Marketing to Account Based Marketing, Social Media, Website & SEO, Events, and all the rest, an overall strategy that accounts for all available marketing channels is essential. Tracking KPIs and ROI are a tough task, but a necessary one when it comes to optimizing budget and utilizing organic growth tactics where possible. A great marketing team will be nimble - able to quickly expand on strategies and ideas that are working - but also able and willing to ‘fail fast,’ recognize and accept when something isn’t working, scrap it, and move on to the next great idea.

When it comes to campaigns, there's no one right way. Sometimes storytelling is the best way to engage, other times a straight forward, targeted advertising campaign is the way to go. Knowing your audience inside and out, having fully fleshed out buyer personas, as well as competitive insights, and optimized messaging based on value prop will ultimately set you up for success. Employing different types of content across many channels, not only engages multiple people on the buying committee, but also sets you up as an industry expert, driving inherent trust and putting you top of mind for prospects.

When it comes to in-person events, whether it's a conference/trade show, an annual event for clients, or a high-end, invite-only event for C-level prospects, anticipating everyone's needs ahead of time is key. Details are not details, they are essentials. Spending on an event is only worth it if you have a visible presence, guests have an elevated experience, and you can drive engagement and make true connections.

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